Could be… that the thoughts were
Transmitted via osmosis
DVR’d emotions replayed in slow motion
I love this shit
I never felt her skin
But would often pretend to be in the know
Midnight writes by candlelight and takeout
My space being heated by the stove
That’s how real it is..
Words flow effortlessly
Seldom leaving thoughts incomplete
…Walk with me
Hold on… I need pinky to pinky connectivity
Could be… that the connection made
Evolved over conversations woven together by
Happenstance – word play – and verbal foreplay
When my pen curves characters by her design
When submissions become conditions of my heart
Cocooned in pieces Breaching lines when maturity is reached
…. There’s something to be said
I see the world through your eyes
Writes became fluid forms of, we..
Divisible portions of me carried the same form of speak
….life is love
…love is poetry
Could be…
I can dig it!